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Titanic Nitride, Ti3N4

Titanic Nitride, Ti3N4, was obtained by Ruff and Treidel in the following way. When titanium tetrabromide ammonia, TiBr4.8NH3, was washed with liquid ammonia an orange-coloured, insoluble substance was obtained having a composition between

2Ti(NH2)4.TiBr4.8NH3 and 3Ti(NH)2.TiBr4.8NH3.

When this product was treated with a solution of an equivalent amount of potassium amide in liquid ammonia a mixture was formed containing 20 per cent, of the original bromide, 10 per cent, of potassium hydrogen titanium di-imide, Ti(NH)NK, and 70 per cent, of titanic nitride, Ti3N4. This latter compound has a brown colour, is decomposed by heat into titanous nitride, TiN, and nitrogen, and by water into hydrated titanic oxide and ammonia.

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